Position Available: Webmaster

The Classical Association of the Atlantic States is seeking applications for the position of Webmaster. The Webmaster will serve a three-year term, with the first term beginning immediately after the 2019 CAAS Board Meeting on Saturday, April 13 and running through the end of the Fall 2021 Annual Meeting. The position carries a stipend of $3,000 per annum, and may be renewed for more than one term. Time commitment will vary during the year but may be up to 7.5 hours per week during peak times.
The general responsibilities of the Webmaster according to the CAAS Bylaws:
The Webmaster shall maintain and update the Corporation’s website and manage all on-line functions associated with the website.
A more detailed description of the responsibilities are listed in the CAAS Regulations and Operating procedures. The applicable functions are:
The Webmaster, a Board-appointed officer serving a three-year renewable term, shall:

  • maintain a standards-compliant website for CAAS
  • post information on the web as requested by the President, Program Coordinator, CW Editor, and other CAAS officers, including current Bylaws, Regulations, annual meeting programs, list of board members, etc.
  • present a written report at the spring and fall meetings of the Board on all web-related activities
  • manage all interaction with the Association’s web service provider, including the CAAS website, listserv, and submission database
  • periodically update the listserv with new members; unsubscribe members who request
    this; change email addresses when requested
  • manage all web-related functions for the annual meeting:
  • post the annual call for papers including online submission forms for individual
    abstracts and panel/workshop proposals
  • when submission deadlines have passed, use the annual submission database to
    prepare evaluation forms for Program Committee members
  • when the program has been decided, use the annual submission database to
    prepare for the Program Coordinator a contact list of all presenters that includes
    full names, institutional affiliation, mailing address, email address, and phone
    numbers for all submitters and names, institutional affiliation, and email address
    for additional panel/workshop presenters.
  • when the program has been decided, use the annual submission database to
    prepare for the Executive Director a list of all audio-visual equipment requested
    for each presentation
  • when the program has been finalized, create and post an html version and keep
    this updated with any changes; also prepare and post a one-page synopsis of the
  • after the annual meeting, make any corrections to the web program to reflect the
    program as it actually occurred (e.g., presenter who could not attend, or papers
    read by another), post this on the web, and give a printed copy to the archivist

Please note the following points of information:
1) Applicants must work or reside in the CAAS Region, i.e. New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and District of Columbia.
2) If the applicant is a current CAAS member, membership must be maintained throughout the term. If the applicant is not a current CAAS member, then membership must be initiated at the start of the term and then maintained throughout the term.
3) The successful candidate will be expected to communicate with the current webmaster in the period after their acceptance of the position through their official start at the April 13, 2019 board meeting to facilitate their assumption of the position.

Please send applications to Nominations Committee Chair Karin Suzadail
ksuzadail@ojrsd.com. Applications should include a letter of interest, the
names and contact information of three references, and a current curriculum vitae.

CANE Summer Institute- Program and Registration

The organizers of the 2019 CANE Summer Institute invite you to join us for a weeklong examination of peoples and cultures that comprised the Classical Greek and Roman worlds.  We will not only look at the various components of the ancient world, but we will also consider what it meant for those components to be unum. The institute’s events and discussions will also consider modern and contemporary reflections of nationhood.

Whether you are a high school or college teacher of Latin and/or Greek, History, English, the Arts, or other related disciplines, an undergraduate or graduate student, or a devoted lifelong learner, you will enjoy a thoughtful and enriching experience that includes a wide variety of mini-courses, lectures, workshops, reading groups, and special events while also offering many opportunities for conversation and collegial interaction among participants.

For more information and the registration form, click here to download


Deadline: March 15, 2019

W.D.E. Coulson and Toni M. Cross Aegean Exchange Program for Greek Ph.D. level graduate students and senior scholars in any field of the humanities and social sciences from prehistoric to modern times to conduct research in Turkey, under the auspices of the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) in Ankara and/or Istanbul during the academic year. The purpose of these fellowships is to provide an opportunity for Greek scholars to meet with their Turkish colleagues, and to pursue research interests in the museum, archive, and library collections and at the sites and monuments of Turkey. Fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs through the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, which also provides funding for Turkish graduate students and senior scholars to study in Greece, under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
The ARIT-Ankara library holds approximately 13,000 volumes focused on archaeological studies, but also includes resources for scholars working on modern Turkish studies. The library at ARIT-Istanbul includes approximately 14,000 volumes and covers the Byzantine, Ottoman, and modern Turkish periods.  Archives, libraries, sites, and museums in Turkey provide resources for research into many fields of study and geographical areas.
Eligibility:  Greek nationals including staff of the Ministry of Culture; doctoral candidates and faculty members of Greek institutions of higher education.

Duration:  From two weeks to two months.

Terms:  Stipend of $250 per week plus up to $500 for travel expenses.  Four to eight awards are available. ARIT, located in Istanbul and Ankara, will provide logistical support and other assistance as required, but projects are not limited to those two cities.  For further information on ARIT: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/ARIT/. A final report to ASCSA and ARIT is due at the end of the award period, and ASCSA and ARIT expect that copies of all publications that result from research conducted as a Fellow of ASCSA/ARIT be contributed to the relevant library of ASCSA/ARIT.

Application:  Submit “Associate Membership with Fellowship” application online. For more information about the application, visit: https://www.ascsa.edu.gr/apply/fellowships-and-grants/graduate-and-postdoctoral.

The application should include a curriculum vitae, statement of the project to be pursued during the period of grant (up to three pages, single-spaced in length), two letters of reference from scholars in the field commenting on the value and feasibility of the project.