The 2021 Fall Virtual Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States

Registration and access to virtual program and recordings is now closed.

When: Thursday, October 14 to Saturday, October 16

Where:  Virtual – Zoom – details TBD

Program: Click here to download the Program for 2021 Annual Meeting (updated October 13, 2021)

Letter from CAAS President: Click here to read/download the President’s Letter (dated October 8, 2021)

Letter from CAAS Executive DirectorClick here to read/download the Executive Director’s Letter (dated October 5, 2021)

Election/Ballot Form: Click here for update on elections

Exhibitors and Vendors: 

  • Click here to register for meeting via JHUP
  • Click here to email for addition to Virtual Exhibit Hall

Fall 2021 Registration Form (register online):

  • Click here to register for meeting via JHUP

We look forward to seeing you virtually!

Call for Papers: CAAS 2021 Annual Meeting

Where: Heldrich Hotel and Conference Center, New Brunswick, NJ

When: October 14-16, 2021

Submission Deadline: March 22, 2021

Submit here:

We invite individual and group proposals on all aspects of the Classical world and Classical reception, and on new strategies and resources for improved teaching.  Especially welcome are presentations that aim at maximum audience participation and integrate the concerns of K-12 and college faculty, that consider ways of communicating about ancient Greece and Rome beyond our discipline and profession, and that reflect on the past, present, and future of Classical studies in the CAAS region.

The 2021 Jerry Clack Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Donald Lateiner, John R. Wright Professor of Greek, Emeritus, at Ohio Wesleyan University. Professor Lateiner entitles his presentation “Epizêlos’ Tale: The Phantom Killer at the Battle of Marathon (Herodotos Histories 6.117)”. He advertises his lecture (perhaps illustrated, surely a handout) as follows: Herodotos briefly recounts the preparations and battle of Marathon, the resulting casualties, other consequences and especially a “wonder” (thauma) experienced by the Athenian hoplite Epizêlos. The presentation considers Hellenic battle-trauma, visions, deceptions, and Herodotos’ tricky, far from gullible, so far inimitable techniques to preserve past voices while distancing himself from questionable war-stories. When his battle-line hit the Persian invaders, Epizêlos became blind, although not struck or otherwise harmed. The traumatized battler then “saw” a large and bearded enemy apparition (phasma) pass him by and kill his next-in-line comrade. The startled blind man repeated for decades his tale of suffering (pathos) and vision. Herodotos heard it. What can and should Herodotos and his modern historiographer do with this soldier’s appended logos of battle-trauma? Our sampling of ancient uncanniness will briefly canvass the many modern physiological (hormonal), psychological, and emotional, explanations of Epizêlos’ eerie experiences.

All submitters of proposals for the meeting must be current members of CAAS. Participants in the 2021 Annual Meeting must be members when they submit proposals and must renew their memberships for 2021-2022 (the membership year is September 1-August 31).  All authors of proposals that are accepted by the Program Committee for presentation at the 2021 meeting are expected to attend and deliver their presentations in on-ground, fully virtual, or hybrid Zoom format.  At this time, due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, all meeting participants are expected to be flexible in preparing for and adjusting to on-ground, fully virtual, or hybrid annual meeting in October 2021.  All authors of accepted proposals are required to send a full draft of their presentations to their presider(s) by the end of September.  Submitters of accepted proposals who are unable to attend should arrange to have their presentations delivered by another CAAS member.

All authors of paper and panel presentations, presiders/co-presiders are advised to read the CAAS Antiracism Committee statement on condemning the use of the texts, ideals, and images of the Greek and Roman world to promote hateful ideology, as follows:

The Classical Association of the Atlantic States is committed to fighting against all forms of racism and bigotry, including anti-Blackness, anti-Semitism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment, ableism and all other kinds of bias, in order to make our discipline fairer and more inclusive for all, as we strengthen the position of Classics through the development of better methods of teaching and the fostering of public support of the Classics. In addition, CAAS expects that all Annual Meeting participants will be treated with respect and afforded the dignity of being included in presentations and public discussions and not targeted, disrespected, or excluded. The Program Committee therefore asks authors to be mindful of the language used in preparing abstracts and papers and to take care to avoid biased phrasing and diction that are discriminatory or harmful to historically marginalized groups (be they economic, ethnic, financial, religious or social). We call to the attention of all authors CAAS’s statement on anti-racism; the Society for Classical Studies’ statement on systemic racism, which CAAS also endorses; and the Principles of Antiracist Teaching and Reflection curated by the Multiculturalism, Race and Ethnicity in Classics Consortium (MRECC), which offers pathways for educators to advance learning and scholarship while building equity and inclusivity for historically marginalized groups in furtherance of the mission of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States. Abstracts and proposals that run counter to these values will not be accepted.

Panel and Workshop Proposals may be 1 ½ or 2 hours in length, depending on the number of speakers. Submissions must be uploaded as a single PDF (.pdf) or Word 97-2010 (.doc/docx) file of no more than 700 words and must include:

  • a description of the proposed panel or workshop and brief abstracts of the individual presentations. Each abstract of an individual presentation must be accompanied by a bibliography or a list of resources consulted of up to five items (not included in the word limit). The proposal must clearly indicate the thesis and original contribution made by the panel or workshop and situate this contribution in a larger scholarly context (see and
  • The proposal must be anonymousThe names of the organizer and presenters must not appear anywhere in this file except when citing a publication by the organizer or presenters.Those abstracts which include the names and/or institutional affiliations of their organizers and presenters will not be considered.
  • title of the session and titles of each individual presentation.
  • specific audio-visual needs for the session. CAAS is able to supply only a screen and a digital light projector (those bringing MACs will need to bring their special adapter plug to connect to the projector).  DVDs can be played only from your laptop.  Be advised that sound played from a laptop without special speakers may not be audible in the room.

Deadline for panel and workshop proposals is Monday, March 22, 2021.

Individual Proposals must be no more than 15 minutes in length. Each author must not submit more than one abstract.  Submissions must be uploaded as a single PDF (.pdf) OR Word 97-2010 (.doc/docx) file of no more than 300 words and must include:

  • clearly indicated thesis and original contribution(s) made by your presentation, situating it in a larger scholarly context (see Submissions must be accompanied by a bibliography or a list of resources consulted of up to five items (not included in the word limit). The proposal must be anonymous. The author’s name should not appear anywhere in this file except when citing a publication by the author. Those abstracts which include the names and/or institutional affiliations of their authors will not be considered.  
  • specific audio-visual needs for your presentation. CAAS is able to supply only a screen and a digital light projector (those bringing MACs will need to bring their special adapter plug to connect to the projector).  DVDs can be played only from your laptop.  Be advised that sound played from a laptop without special speakers may not be audible in the room.
  • If you are an undergraduate, please indicate this by selecting “undergraduate paper” as the submission type, so that undergraduate submissions can be read separately, and in relation to one another.

Deadline for individual proposals is Monday, March 22, 2021.

Submit here:

For further information, please contact CAAS Program Coordinator Maria S. Marsilio ( Please contact CAAS Webmaster (Jennifer Ranck) ( if you experience difficulties with the online forms.

Call for Ovationes for Fall 2021 (Due July 30, 2020)

Each year at its annual meeting the Classical Association of the Atlantic States presents ovationes to members selected by the Awards Committee for their significant service to the discipline and the organization. The ovatio is read in Latin by a colleague close to the honoree at a plenary luncheon, while copies of the ovatio in Latin and English are distributed to attendees.

The ovatio recognizes long and distinguished service to CAAS and/or to the classics community by those in the CAAS region, especially by those retiring or concluding a long term of service.

The Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for 2021 CAAS ovationes, to be presented at the 2021 October annual meeting. Nominees and nominators need to be CAAS members in good standing. To nominate a candidate to the Awards Committee for an ovatio, please download and complete the nomination form at, and procure a copy of your nominee’s CV or resume.

Please send your completed nomination form and your nominee’s CV or resume as email attachments to the Chair of the Awards Committee, Sarah Ferrario ( by July 30, 2020.

Thank you very much for assisting the committee in its work.

2019-2020 Awards Committee: Sarah Ferrario, Chair (2015-2017, 2017-2019, 2019-21); Fred Booth (2019-21); Timothy Renner (2018-2020); Maria Marsilio, Program Coordinator, liaison