Middletown High School North is seeking a maternity leave the first marking period of the 2016-2017 school year. Anyone interested in a substitute position teaching Latin I-IV should contact Dr. Patricia Cartier, Principal, (732-706-6061 extension 1203)
Monthly Archives: July 2016
What Classics Professors Can Teach the Rest of Us
Interesting article from the Chronicle of Higher Education: http://chronicle.com/article/What-Classics-Professors-Can/237129/
33rd Annual Fox Classical Writing Contest sponsored by Monmouth College
This contest is open to any student enrolled full-time in high school during the current school year. An award of $250.00 will be given to the author of the best entry written in English on the specified theme. The entry may be an essay, a short story, a play, a poem, or any original literary work. For more information, click here