2017 Annual Meeting Program



October 5-7, 2017

New York Marriott East Side

New York City, New York

Program Committee Jessica Anderson, Maspeth High School, Director for New York City and Long Island Henry V. Bender, Saint Joseph’s University, CAAS Past President and Past Program Coordinator Frederick J. Booth, Seton Hall University, CAAS Past President T. Corey Brennan, Rutgers University Mary Brown, Saint Joseph’s University, CAAS Executive Director Elizabeth Butterworth, The Paideia Institute for Humanistic Study James Capreedy, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Director for Central and Western New York Deborah Carter, Linganore High School, Director for Maryland Kathleen Durkin, Garden City High School, Delegate to the American Classical League Thomas Falkner, McDaniel College Barbara K. Gold, Hamilton College, CAAS Past President Rachael Goldman, The College of New Jersey Michael Goyette, New College of Florida Shelley P. Haley, Hamilton College, CAAS Past President Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland, College Park, CAAS Past President and Program Coordinator Kerry Horleman, Haddonfield Memorial High School Lawrence Kowerski, Hunter College, City University of New York Maria Marsilio, Saint Joseph’s University, CAAS Past Second Vice President Matthew McAuliffe, St. Andrew’s School Devondra McMillan, The Lawrenceville School Jason Pedicone, The Paideia Institute for Humanistic Study Victoria Pedrick, Georgetown University Nancy Rabinowitz, Hamilton College Ann R. Raia, The College of New Rochelle, CAAS Past President Norman Sandridge, Howard University, Director for Washington, DC John H. Starks, Jr., Binghamton University SUNY, CAAS First Vice President Katherine Wasdin, George Washington University Gareth Williams, Columbia University

4:00 pm–6:00 pm Registration
5:00 pm–5:30 pm Meeting of the 2016–2017 Finance Committee
5:30 pm–7:30 pm Dinner Meeting of the 2016–2017 Executive Committee
7:30 pm–9:30 pm Meeting of the 2016–2017 Board of Directors
8:00 pm–10:00 pm

Panel One: Cross-Border Encounters and Ethnography in Antiquity Nicholas Cross, Baruch College, CUNY and Steve Ogumah, The Graduate Center, CUNY, presiding

The Geography of Difference in Xenophanes Frr. 6, 15-16 DK Christopher Parmenter, New York University
Strangers into Friends: Agesilaus’ Diplomacy in the East Nicholas Cross
Intersection of Prose and Poetics in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica Steve Ogumah
Was Romulus’ Asylum a Refuge for Slaves? Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus Tristan Husby, Southern New Hampshire University
The Enemy of Religion in Cicero’s Verrine Orations Nicholas Wagner, University of Minnesota


Panel Two: Classics and Social Activism Amanda Gregory, Morrison-Beard School, and Nancy Rabinowitz, presiding
Somatic Sociology and Sexual Assault: Activism Through Nonnus Nikolas Oktaba, Gates Scholar, Cambridge University
A Capstone Elective Course in the Bard Prison Initiative Nancy Felson, University of Georgia
Greek Tragedy for Social Reform Melinda Powers, John Jay College of Criminal Justice/The Graduate Center, CUNY
Registering for Expose Your Professor Nancy Rabinowitz

7:15 am–8:00 am Continental Breakfast for All Attendees Breakfast Meeting for Independent Scholars
8:00 am–5:00 pm Registration
8:00 am–5:00 pm Exhibits and Book Displays
8:00 am–10:00 am


Panel Three:Feminism and Classics Revisited: A Panel in Commemoration of Barbara McManus. Sponsored by the Women’s Classical Caucus T.H.M. Gellar-Goad, Wake Forest University, and Nancy Rabinowitz, presiding
Twenty-Five years of Feminist Theory and the Classics: Now What? Barbara K. Gold
Feminist Activism in Australasian Classics: Progress and Challenges Maxine Lewis, University of Auckland
Helen and Penelope: A New Queer and Intertextual Feminist Approach Rachel H. Lesser, Gettysburg College


Panel Four: Paideia Institute Teacher Training Workshop with Justin Slocum-Bailey Elizabeth Butterworth and Jason Pedicone, presiding


Panel Five: Popular Media in the Classics ClassroomStacie Raucci, Union College, and Meredith E. Safran, Trinity College, presiding
Teaching Ancient Greece on Screen Vincent Tomasso, Trinity College
Reading the Visual Text: Teaching Aspects of Cinema in the Ancient World on Screen Classroom Stacie Raucci
Using Classically Inspired Films to Animate the Politics and Processes of the “Golden Age” Meredith E. Safran
Homer and Hollywood: Teaching Homeric Epic Narrative through Film Monica S. Cyrino, University of New Mexico


Paper Session A: Gender and Power in Greek and Roman Culture and Society Jessica Anderson and Frederick Booth, presiding
Decision is Difficult: Medical Decision-Making in the Hippocratic Corpus Katherine van Schaik, Harvard University
Demagogia in Context Aaron Hershkowitz, Rutgers University
Small Sacrifices: Miniature Altars and Household Religion in Hellenistic Sicily Andrew Tharler, Bryn Mawr College
The Disappearance of Isis on Imperial Coinage Elizabeth Mellen, Rutgers University


Paper Session B: Re-Thinking Augustan and Imperial Latin Literature James Capreedy and Gareth Williams, presiding
Gallus in Vergil’s Liber BucoliconJohn Van Sickle, Brooklyn College, CUNY
The Failure of Stoicism in the Pseudo-Senecan Octavia Noah Davies-Mason, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Silius Italicus and Tacitus John Jacobs, Montclair Kimberley Academy Empire and Invention: The Elder Pliny’s Heurematography Marco Romani Mistretta, Harvard University


10:00 am–10:30 am Coffee Break and Refreshments


10:30 am–1:00 pm


Panel Six: Celebrating and Contextualizing Barbara McManus’s The Drunken Duchess of Vassar: Grace Harriet Macurdy, Pioneering Feminist Classical Scholar (Ohio State University Press, 2017) Judith P. Hallett and Maria Marsilio, presiding

Presentations on the lives and works of Grace Harriet Macurdy (1866–1946) and Barbara McManus (1942–2015) by Sarah B. Pomeroy, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY; Donald Lateiner, Ohio Wesleyan University; Barbara Olsen, Vassar College; Robert Pounder, Vassar College; Eugene O’Connor, Ohio State University Press; Judith P. Hallett; and Christopher Stray, Swansea University and Institute of Classical Studies, London


Panel Seven: Digital Approaches to Latin Vocabulary Learning Patrick J. Burns, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, and John Muccigrosso, Drew University, presiding Introduction John Muccigrosso
Facilitating Vocabulary Acquisition Ivy Livingston, Harvard University
Creating Useful Vocabulary Lists Using The Bridge Bret Mulligan, Haverford College Curated Vocabulary Lists and Digital Flashcards in the Classroom William Turpin, Swarthmore College
Using Topic Modeling to Generate Sight-Reading Passages for Classical Language Learning Thomas Koentges, University of Leipzig
Response: Patrick J. Burns


Panel Eight: Sunoikisis: The Anatomy of a 20+-Year Project in Collaborative Education Norman Sandridge and Kenny Morrell, Rhodes College, presiding
Introduction: Reaping Big Benefits at Small Liberal Arts Colleges, 1995–2017 Hal Haskell, Southwestern University, and Kenny Morrell
a) Roles and Processes of a Sunoikisis Course in Different Environments Weaving Threads into a Unified Tapestry: The Sunoikisis Course Director Ryan Fowler, Franklin and Marshall College, and Gwen Gruber, Sunoikisis
Creating Intercollegiate Learning Communities Mallory Monaco Caterine, Tulane University, and Joel Christensen, Brandeis University
Why an MA Program in Rhetoric and Writing Should Partner with Sunoikisis Christine Tulley, Findlay University
How to Plan a Lesson Geared towards Teaching Leadership Victoria Győri, Kings College, London
How to Adjust Assignments for Online Participants Lindsay Samson, Spellman College
b) Technology for Collaboration and Content Creation Agora 2.0: Two Sorts of “Sun” That the Web Is Very Good At John Esposito, Developer Zone
Producing Effective Common Sessions via Google Hangouts Norman Sandridge Ancient Greek Instruction in Real-Time across Campuses and on Asynchronous Platforms Kenny Morrell
c) Future Directions Ancient STEMs: Launching a New Course on Science and Technology in the Ancient World Ryan Fowler
Africana Receptions Caroline Stark, Howard University
Classics, Science Fiction, and the 21st-Century Digital Classroom Jesse Weiner, Hamilton College
Connecting Ancient Leadership to Civic Engagement on College Campuses Ulrike Krotscheck, Evergreen State College


Paper Session C: Material Perspectives on Roman Culture and Society T. Corey Brennan and Deborah Carter, presiding
Concordia: Presentation and Propaganda Selena Ross, Rutgers University
The Genius Populi Romani: A Study in Imperial Identity Maya Chakravorty, Boston University
Divus dum Vivus: Augustus’ Divinity as Seen Through His Coinage Alicia Matz, Boston University
Educating the Architect: The Scientific Agenda of Vitruvius’ De Architectura James Zainaldin, Harvard University
Statilia Messalina: Commemoration and Continuity of the Roman Empress Nicole Nowbahar, Rutgers University


Paper Session D: New Vistas on Greek Literature Lawrence Kowerski and Katherine Wasdin, presiding
Engendering Immortality: The Childbirth Simile of Agamemnon’s Retreat in Iliad 11.269–272 Leah Himmelhoch, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
A Dog-Eat-Dog World in Homer’s Odyssey Christina Villarreal, Bryn Mawr College Bacchylides 16: A Dithyramb for Delphi Andrew Hagerty, The Graduate Center-CUNY and Townsend Harris High School
The Gendered Perspective of Allusion in an Epigram of Leonidas of Tarentum Alissa Vaillancourt, Villanova University
The Gendered Perspective of Allusion in an Epigram of Leonidas of Tarentum Robert Penella, Fordham University


1:00 pm–2:30 pm Luncheon: John H. Starks, Jr., presiding Ovatio for Joseph Russo, Haverford College, presented by Edward Sacks, CAAS Past President, The Agnes Irwin School Gratulatio for Geraldine Visco, and remarks in memoriam, Alan Cameron, Columbia University, presented by Gareth Williams


2:30 pm–5:30 pm
Panel Nine: Theater of War: Dramatic Reading and Discussion of Sophocles’ Philoctetes Thomas Falkner and John H. Starks, Jr., presiding
Introductory Remarks: Thomas Falkner and Bryan Doerries, Director, Theater of War Performance of selections from Sophocles’ Philoctetes. Actors will be announced in September.
Responses: Shelley Haley; Sergios Paschalis, Harvard University; Victoria Pedrick and John H. Starks, Jr. Facilitated Audience Discussion and Closing Remarks


Panel Ten: Newly Revised Standards for Classical Language Learning Karin Suzadail, CAAS President, Owen J. Roberts High School, and Kerry Horleman, presiding Presentations by Christopher Amanna; Krystal Kubichek, Pennsauken High School; Karin Suzadail


Panel Eleven: New Perspectives on Greek and Roman Art Marice Rose, Fairfield University, and Alison C. Poe, Fairfield University, presiding
Herakles and Geryon: A Reinterpretation of the Sappho Painter Lekythos in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Jennifer Udell, Fordham University
Reflections on a Figure of a Warrior in the Wadsworth Athenaeum Lisa R. Brody, Yale University
Visualizing the New Rome: Formats and Family on the Arch of Germanicus Anne Hrychuk Kontokosta, New York University
The Dumbarton Oaks Amazon Dish: The Good Life and the Docile East in Late Roman Domestic Art Alison C. Poe


Panel Twelve: New Aspects of Didactic Strategy in Lucretius: Rhetoric, Allegory, Imagery Nicoletta Bruno, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften/Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, and Abigail Buglass, University of Oxford, presiding
The Multiple Interlocutors of the De Rerum Natura Giulia Fanti, University of Oxford and Saint John’s College, Oxford
Rhetorical Reception in Lucretius Abigail Buglass
Where Matter (Really) Matters. Lucretius and MetonymyEva Noller, Heidelberg University Analogy in Thucydides and Lucretius; or: How to Explain the Causes of Phenomena and Historical Events Nicoletta Bruno
Geography and Origins in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura Pamela Zinn, Texas Tech University
The Epicurean Katabasis: Lucretius’ Vision of the Journey Down Ian McElroy, Wardlaw-Hartridge School
Infernal Punishments upon the Living: Plutarch, Lucretius, and Tactics of Underworld Allegory Collin Hilton, Bryn Mawr College


Paper Session E: Classical Reception in the New World Rachael Goldman and Matthew McAuliffe presiding
Ramón Betances: Leader of Latin America, Reader of Latin LiteratureJoshua Hartman, University of Waterloo
Togas at Home: Ancient Art and Architecture in New York’s Gilded Age Mansions Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Heliodorus in the Harlem Renaissance Edmund Cueva, University of Houston-Downtown Paul Manship’s Prometheus and Rockefeller Center Jared Simard, New York University Elite vs. Popular Antiquity: Helen of Troy and Metacinema in Carnaval Atlántida Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos, Saint Joseph’s University


5:30 pm–6:30 pm Clack Reception (Open Bar and Refreshments)
6:30 pm 2017 Clack Lecture: “The Reception of Lucretius in Francophone Caribbean Literature: religio and natura in Aimé Césaire’s Cahier d’un retour au pays natal.” Gregson Davis, Duke University


8:00 pm–9:30 pm Dinner: Karin Suzadail, presiding Ovationes for Kenneth Meehan, SJ and the late John Warman, Gonzaga College High School, presented by Henry Bender Remarks by Rian Sirkus, University of Maryland College Park and University of Wisconsin, winner of the 2017 E. Adelaide Hahn Scholarship


9:30 pm Meeting of the newly formed SCS Affiliated Group for Classics and Social Justice, Nancy Rabinowitz, convener. All attendees are welcome.


7:00 am–8:00 am Please join members of the Women’s Classical Caucus at a breakfast to find out more about the WCC and its programs, in particularly its longstanding mentoring initiative and a new initiative focused on combatting sexual harassment.
7:00 am–8:00 am Continental Breakfast for All Attendees
8:00 am–12:00 pm Registration
8:00 am–5:00 pm Exhibits and Book Displays
8:00 am–10:00 am


Panel Thirteen:Remembering the Life and Work of R. Elaine Fantham (1933–2016)Judith P. Hallett and Bonnie MacLachlan, University of Western Ontario, presiding Presentations by Joseph Farrell, University of Pennsylvania; Bonnie MacLachlan; Andrew Feldherr, Princeton University; Alison Keith, University of Toronto; John Allemang, Toronto Globe and Mail; Scott Simon, National Public Radio


Panel Fourteen:Shared Problems and Strategies at Liberal Arts Colleges Michael Arnush, Skidmore College, and Barbara K. Gold, presiding
How, When and Why did the Chairs and Faculty of Liberal Arts Classics Departments Across the Country Start Talking to Each Other? Barbara K. Gold Liberal Arts College Classics Chairs’ Summit: Collaboration and Cooperation Michael Arnush
Making Connections: The Interface between Graduate and Undergraduate Classics Departments Jane Chaplin, Middlebury College
Introducing the Classics Chair’s Handbook and Repository of Exemplary Materials Bret Mulligan


Panel Fifteen: Paideia Outreach in the CAAS Region Elizabeth Butterworth and Jason Pedicone, presiding
Paideia Outreach: Expanding Access to Classics Elizabeth Butterworth
Aequora at Brilla College Prep Bryan Whitchurch, Fordham University
Latin in Unexpected Places: The Itinera Program Patrick Burns
Latin in New York City Jason Pedicone


Paper Session F: Ethics and Poetics in Greek Drama Victoria Pedrick and Devondra McMillan, presiding
Paeanic Markers in Aeschylus’ Choephoroi 152–163 Steven Brandwood, Rutgers University
Pain Beyond Words? The Ethics (and Limits) of the “Face-to-Face Encounter” in Sophocles’ Philoctetes Susan Curry, University of New Hampshire
Communication as Power: The Correction of Sophocles’ Tereus in Aristophanes’ Birds Daniel Libatique, Boston University
Tyche and Peripatetic Ethics in Menander’s Aspis Thomas Moody, The Graduate Center, CUNY


Paper Session G: Augustan and Imperial Latin Literary Turns Shelley Haley and Maria Marsilio, presiding
Horatian Experimentation: A Catullan Intertext in Epodes 11–16 Emmanuel Aprilakis, Rutgers University
Martha Nussbaum’s “Capabilities” and Ovid’s Baucis and Philemon (Metamorphoses 8.616–724) Maria Marsilio and Robert Daniel, Saint Joseph’s University
Masculine Consumption and Consequence in Ovid’s Erysichthon Episode Robert Santucci, University of Maryland, College Park, and the University of Michigan
Lucan’s Bellum Civile and the Social Process of Cultural Trauma Annette Baertschi, Bryn Mawr College


10:00 am–10:30 am Coffee Break and Refreshments


10:30 am–1:00 pm
Panel Sixteen: Racism and Language in Classics Today Sponsored by the Multiculturalism, Race, and Ethnicity in Classics Consortium Aaron Hershkowitz and David Wright, Rutgers University, presiding
From Greeks to Barbarians to Race and the Classics: Classics for Whites Only Jackie Murray, University of Kentucky
“It’s What He Intended”: Translation, Authorial Intent and Racism in Classics Shelley Haley
Positionality and Transitivity: The Syntax and Semantics of Intentional Action and Inclusion in the Language of Diversity Statements on Classics Websites Kelly Dugan, University of Georgia


Panel Seventeen:“Only Connect”: In Honor of David Hugh Porter (1935–2016)Michael Arnush and Barbara K. Gold, presiding
Presentations by Christopher Brunelle, Saint Olaf College; Dan Curley, Skidmore College; Meredith Hoppin, Williams College; David Porter, Utah Symphony; Michael C. J. Putnam, Brown University; Carl Rubino, Hamilton College


Panel Eighteen: Independent Scholars Doing Classics David Murphy, CAAS Past President, The Nightingale-Bamford School, and Ann Raia, presiding
Doing Scholarship as a High School Teacher David Murphy
Independent Scholarship: Process, Venues and Audience Edward P. Butler, Independent Scholar
Better Late Than Never Ann Patty, author of Living with a Dead Language: My Romance with Latin
“Hey, wait… that doesn’t make sense”: Observations of an Unintentional Scholar Janet Stephens, Independent Scholar


Paper Session H: Undergraduate Research in Classical Studies Thomas Falkner and Michael Goyette, presiding
Penelope’s Web: Intersections of Performance and Craft in the Odyssey Mason Barto, Brooklyn College: David Schur, Professor
A Diplomatic Digital Edition of Pliny the Elder’s Bamberg Manuscript Richard Ciolek, Jeffrey Dickinson, Melissa Gryan, Michael Raheb, and William Walker, College of the Holy Cross: Ellen Perry and Neel Smith, Professors
Haec Fama Valebat: The Sexual Crimes of Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae William Soergel, University of Maryland, College Park and the University of Michigan: Eric Adler and Judith P. Hallett, Professors
Latin Literary Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction: Petronius, Roman Erotic Poetry and the Socio-Cultural History of “Impotence” Jonathan Clark, David Malamud, Jan Pasternak and Elliott Rebello, University of Maryland, College Park: Judith P. Hallett, Professor


Paper Session I: Classical Receptions and the Receptions of Classicists Kathleen Durkin and Norman Sandridge, presiding
The Player’s Speech in Hamlet: A Synthesis of Vergilian Narrative and Ecphrasis Sergios Paschalis
The Ancient World in Young Adult Speculative Fiction: New Directions Marian W. Makins, Temple University
Prophetic Vergil, Pathetic Britannia: Imperial England Reads the Aeneid Kenneth Sammond, Fairleigh Dickinson University
The Semi-Lucretian Camus Rian Sirkus
“He Does Not Look Particularly Jewish”: Friedrich Solmsen’s Forced Journey from Berlin to the US (1933–1940): A Reconstruction According to the Files Hans Peter Obermayer, University of Munich


1:00 pm–2:30 pm Luncheon: John H. Starks, Jr., presiding Ovatio for Rebecca Scarborough, Delaware Department of Public Instruction, presented by Nicolas Gross, CAAS Past President, University of Delaware
Business Meeting


2:30 pm–4:30 pm
Panel Nineteen: The Washington Ancient Mediterranean Seminar: From Theory to Practice Sarah B. Ferrario, The Catholic University of America, and Judith P. Hallett, presiding
Introduction: The Rationale for WAMS Sarah B. Ferrario
Paper Presentation: Roman Comedy’s Varnished Truth Marden Nichols, Georgetown University
Response: Timothy Moore, Washington University in St. Louis


Panel Twenty:Classical Reception in the Caribbean: A Panel in Honor of Gregson Davis Justine McConnell, King’s College, London, and Patrice Rankine, University of Richmond, presiding
Derek Walcott’s Omeros Norman Austin, University of Arizona
Omeros and the Translation Spectrum Peter Burian, Duke University
Poetry of the Caribbean and the Classics Patrice Rankine
Classics and Creolité in the work of Patrick Chamoiseau Justine McConnell Response: Gregson Davis


Panel Twenty-One: Using Manuscripts in All Levels of the Latin Classroom Toni Armstrong, Clark University; Jeffrey Dickinson, College of the Holy Cross; and Stephanie Lindeborg, Boston Latin Academy, presiding
Presentations by Toni Armstrong, Jeffrey Dickinson, Stephanie Lindeborg, Neel Smith, and Allyn Waller, College of the Holy Cross


Panel Twenty-Two: Ancient Iberia Raymond Capra, Brooklyn College, and Denise Demetriou, University of California, San Diego, presiding
Beyond Hellenization in Iberia: How Greek Inscriptions from Emporion Challenge Roman Texts Denise Demetriou
The Temple of Artemis of Ephesus in the Palaiapolis of Emporion Raymond Capra Cornelia Tyche and the Phocaean Shore Benedict Lowe, Royal Holloway College, University of London


Paper Session J: Pedagogical Pursuits Henry Bender and Norman Sandridge, presiding
The First American Doctorate Earned in Classics: James Morris Whiton (1833–1920)Michele Valerie Ronnick, Wayne State University
The Soundtrack to My Class: Auditory Exercise and Digital Humanities in Greek and Latin Classrooms Norman Sandridge and Jesse Weiner
Classics for Less Fortunate 9th–12th-Grade Students: The Sutton Scholars Outreach Program and the University of Warwick (Coventry, UK) Antonino Crisà, University of Warwick
Neo-Latin and the Contemporary Latin Classroom: Tales from 16th-Century China Matthew McGowan, Fordham University