The deadline for applications for the 2024 Hahn Scholarship has been extended to March 15 2024.
Please click here for details on the scholarship and application process.
The deadline for applications for the 2024 Hahn Scholarship has been extended to March 15 2024.
Please click here for details on the scholarship and application process.
The CAAS Dr. Rudolph Masciantonio Grants Committee
The CAAS Dr. Rudolph Masciantonio Grants Committee: Henry Bender & Mary Brown (Co-Chairs, Formation Years 2021-2023; 2024-2026) Committee Members (Formation Years 2021-2023; 2024-2026): Martha Davis, Jeannette Keshishian, Stephen Ogumah, Donald Sprague, Karin Suzadail, William Torchia [adjunct/advisory member].
Click here to view/download the full Mission and Charge for this Committee (PDF format – Mission statement copied below)
“The mission of The Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS), founded in 1907, is to strengthen teaching and research, and to foster public support, for the languages, civilizations, and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome in the mid-Atlantic region (Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania). In furtherance of its mission, CAAS publishes a quarterly journal, Classical World.
“The Classical Association of the Atlantic States offers an Annual Fall Meeting in the region, usually during Columbus Day weekend. Besides papers and panels on many Classical topics, these meetings are notable for their sessions on new directions in teaching and research and for their discussions and workshops on professional issues such as the state of Classics in other countries, preparation of professional abstracts, etc. All members receive the association’s Journal, Classical World, which publishes articles and reviews for “the scholarly teacher and the teaching scholar.” Among the Journal’s unique features are regular surveys of textbooks and audio-visual materials in Classics. [CAAS-CW website as of March 1, 2023]”
CAAS Program Coordinator, Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos, announces that the deadline for all individual, panel, and workshop proposals for CAAS 2024 has been extended. The new deadline for all proposals is Monday, March 4, 2024.
Click here for CFP details updated with new submission deadline
In accordance with the Board’s decision at the April 2023 meeting, CAAS recognizes the excellence of papers delivered in person at the annual meeting by means of monetary awards. Presiders nominate outstanding individual presentations in their sessions. Members of the Awards Subcommittee and/or members of the Program Committee with expertise in the subject nominate outstanding presenters at organized panels refereed by the Program Committee.
The Awards Subcommittee of the Program Committee is delighted to announce the winners for 2023 in the following categories:
Jasmine Bao, an undergraduate student at Swarthmore College mentored by Professor Jeremy Lefkowitz, won an award for her presentation “Animal Cognition in the Collectio Augustana.” Conducting close readings of the Aesopic fables contained in the collection, Jasmine analyzed the concept of animal implied by the fables’ figures under the categories of cognition, learning, and self-reflection. Her well-organized, clear, and thoughtful examination of how the fables conceptualize animals prompted especially lively discussion among the audience.
2. Graduate Student: Paul Eberwine
A Ph.D. candidate in the Princeton University Classics Department, Paul Eberwine won an award for “Reading Death in Aeschylus’s Libation Bearers,” an original and insightful examination of the drama’s reflection “on ancient slavery by highlighting the essential role of the socially dead in shaping the political claims of the free, as well as that role’s subversive potential.” Demonstrating mastery of the text of the play, of pertinent scholarship in German and English, and of bibliography outside of the field of Classics, Eberwine adventurously but judiciously explored the contours of the “dangerous kind of power” social death confers on enslaved people in the play.
3. Post-Ph.D.: Elena Giusti
Dr. Elena Giusti, Associate Professor in Latin Literature and Language at the University of Warwick, UK won an award for “Ethnographic Discourses: Rome’s Racialized Africa.” Offering wide-ranging and convincing evidence in texts and images, Giusti argued that racialized discourse depicting Africa as a land of marvels, desolation, and monsters emerged in the early Roman imperial period and served to distort perceptions of Africa during the age of European explorations in the 15th and 16th centuries. Giusti built on the work of the African philosopher and classicist Valentin-Yves Mudimbe to challenge credibly Frank Snowden’s contention that race was inapplicable to Greco-Roman antiquity. The evidence and argument presented in Dr. Giusti’s paper are sure to be relevant to disciplines outside of Classics.
Program Committee Awards Subcommittee: David Rosenbloom (Chair), Andrea Kouklanakis, Karin Suzadail, Konstantinos Nikoloutsos (ex officio).
Weaving Words, Sculpting Sentiments: Manipulating Emotions in Public Spaces of the Ancient Mediterranean
The graduate students of the Department of Classics at the CUNY Graduate Center are pleased to announce the call for papers for our 16th annual Graduate Student Conference. The conference will be held in person and via Zoom on Friday, April 5th, 2024 at the Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY). This year’s Keynote Speaker will be Prof. David Konstan (NYU).
Click here to view/download the CFP in PDF format or here for Word format
Emotions play a large role in even basic decision-making, as recent research continues to demonstrate. Fear, sadness, pride, guilt, shame, awe, joy, and disgust all inform our decisions and influence our participation in social movements. Emotional responses can arise from our relationships with other people, impacted by their own decisions that affect us, but also from our relationship with institutions. For various reasons, these institutions often manipulate emotional responses across the entire public through rhetoric, iconography, space, religion, or architecture.
In this conference, we would like to explore the interplay in antiquity between the manipulation of emotions through public displays (written, spoken, material, or visual mediums) and the collective or individual responses to these manipulations.
Possible topics include but are not at all limited to:
We invite papers from a variety of disciplines beyond Classics, such as Comparative Literature, History, Philosophy, Art History, Political Science, Gender Studies, Psychology, Near Eastern studies, and others. We welcome and encourage submissions from individuals of all underrepresented backgrounds.
Please send anonymous abstracts of up to 300 words, along with an optional bibliography, for a 20-minute presentation to in PDF format, no later than January 19, 2024. Please send personal details, such as full name and affiliation, in the body text of your email. Notifications to all applicants will be given by mid-February 2024. Questions may be sent to the co-organizers, Nan Coffey, Kevin Nobel, and Jen Ranck at the same email address.
We look forward to an engaging and diverse exploration of the topic.
(borrowed from the SCS post:
The American Classical League (ACL) and the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) are pleased to present the Guidelines for Latin Teacher Preparation.
This document, which is a 2023 revision of the 2010 Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation, sets out what a beginning-career Latin teacher should know and be able to do, and includes the addition of an Addendum of Resources.
The document organizes a beginning Latin teacher’s knowledge, skills, and understanding under four main guidelines:
The Guidelines will be useful to:
Below you will find links to the Guidelines for Latin Teacher Preparation, the Addendum of Resources, and a one-page flyer available for printing and display in departments or for sharing online. Please share the Guidelines with students and colleagues:
Guidelines for Latin Teacher Preparation (PDF)
Addendum of Resources (Google Doc)
One-Page Flyer (PDF):
Janet Martin, associate professor of classics, emeritus, and an expert in medieval Latin, died of cardiovascular disease at home in Princeton, New Jersey, on Aug. 30. She was 84.
She joined the Princeton faculty in 1973, where she taught for 37 years, and transferred to emeritus status in 2010. She served as CAAS President in 2013-2014.
Click here to read more: Janet Martin, medieval Latinist and ‘gracious, generous mentor,’ dies at 84 (Princeton University) or Princeton Classics mourns the loss of Janet Martin (Princeton Classics)
This document (attached and posted below) was produced to provide a single and accessible list of CAAS presidents as part of the organization’s history and commitment to transparency. Information for 1906 through 2007-2008 comes from “Presidents of CAAS,” CW 75.1 (1981) 38-40 and Heverly, W. Gerald, “The Last Twenty-Five Years of CAAS,” CW 101.1 (2007) 7-20. Ronnie Ancona, CAAS Past President, added the data for 2008-2024 and created the single list. Updates will be made by CAAS.
Click here to view the list page
Click here to view/download list in PDF format
This will soon be expanded from this introductory post to a permanent section of the website.
The Classical Association of the Atlantic States 2024 Annual Meeting
Dates: October 17-19, 2024
Venue: The Heldrich Hotel & Conference Center, New Brunswick, NJ
Deadline for all proposals: Friday, February 16, 2024 (11:59 p.m ET)
Click here to view/download CFP (PDF format)
We invite proposals for individual papers, panels, and workshops/roundtables on all aspects of the ancient world and its afterlife. Especially welcome are submissions that propose groundbreaking approaches to established scholarly debates on classical antiquity; that aim at maximum audience participation and integrate the interests of K-12 and college faculty; that explore new strategies and resources for improved and inclusive teaching; that share fresh ideas about communicating the importance of ancient Greece and Rome beyond our discipline and profession; that explore connections between the Greco-Roman world and other ancient civilizations; and that reflect on the past, present, and future of Classical Studies in the CAAS region and beyond.
Eligibility to submit a proposal: All submitters must be members of CAAS when they submit their proposal. The CAAS membership year is January 1-December 31. Organizers of panels and workshops must verify participants’ membership status before submitting the proposal. Undergraduate students making an individual submission must ensure their mentors have paid the CAAS membership fee for 2024 before making a submission.
Single appearance policy: Each submitter must not submit more than one abstract (whether single- or co-authored). Authors of individual paper proposals cannot simultaneously submit an abstract as part of a panel or workshop proposal. Panel and workshop organizers should ensure that participants in their proposed sessions do not intend to appear anywhere else on the program as speakers.
Individual Paper Proposals must be drafted for a presentation of 15 minutes in length. When the Program is finalized, additional time may be granted depending on the number of papers included in each session. Abstracts of circa (but no more than) 300 words must be uploaded as an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file and:
If you are an undergraduate student, please first select “Individual” under Type of Submission and then “Undergraduate Paper.”
Panel Proposals must be drafted for a session of either 2 hours in length (3 speakers) or 2 ½ hours (4 speakers). A respondent may be included in the latter category as a fifth speaker. Especially welcome are proposals that seek to showcase the research of (under)graduate students of a department in the CAAS region and beyond and include at least one paper to be read by a faculty member who serves as advisor. Proposals must be submitted by the organizer(s) as a single Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file and include:
Workshops/roundtables are typically allocated 2 hours and expected to be devoted, for their most part, to a discussion between the organizer(s)/presenter(s) and the audience. Presentations, if any, must, therefore, be shorter than those included in organized panels. All the above guidelines for panels apply to workshop/roundtable proposals except that the limit for the submission as a whole is 700 words, excluding bibliographical references.
Submission of an abstract is a commitment to present the paper in person. If a paper must be read in absentia due to extenuating circumstances, the author must inform both the presiders and the Program Coordinator, Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos, as soon as they can, and arrange for a reader to read the paper on their behalf. The author must also register for the Annual Meeting in the respective category (faculty or student). Mentors of undergraduate students are expected to attend in person. If this is not possible due to extenuating circumstances, they still must register in order for their name to feature in the final draft of the Program.
All authors will be notified about the status of their submission by/in mid-May 2024. If the submission is accepted for presentation, all speakers and organizers must register online through Johns Hopkins University Press by September 23, 2024. After that date, registration is available at the hotel only and at a higher cost. Authors of individual papers are expected to send a draft of their presentation and a copy of their handout or PowerPoint to their presiders by/on Monday, October 7, 2024.
All submitters are advised to read the CAAS Anti-Racism Committee statement on condemning the use of the texts, ideals, and images of the Greek and Roman world to promote hateful ideology.
Submit here:
For academic questions, please contact CAAS Program Coordinator Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos ( Please contact Webmaster Jennifer Ranck ( with technical questions regarding submission through EasyChair.
CAAS Conference Travel Subsidies: CAAS offers need-based travel subsidies (up to $600) to speakers and members planning to attend the Annual Meeting. The call for applications will be announced by the Chair of the Program Committee Travel Subsidies Subcommittee in late Spring 2024, after the circulation of the first draft of the Program by the Program Coordinator.
CAAS Presentation Awards: In accordance with the Board’s decision at the April 2023 meeting, CAAS recognizes the excellence of papers delivered in person at the annual meeting by means of monetary awards in four categories: Post-Ph.D.; Graduate Student; Undergraduate Student; and K-12 Educator. Presiders who will receive advance copies of papers to be read in their sessions will nominate outstanding individual presentations after the annual meeting, submitting detailed commentary on oral delivery. Members of the Awards Subcommittee and/or members of the Program Committee with expertise in the subject will nominate outstanding presenters at organized panels refereed by the Program Committee. The Chair of the Program Committee Awards Subcommittee will announce recipients of awards before December 31.
The Penn Department of Classical Studies announces the following lectures in the ongoing series of “Penn Public Lectures on Classical Antiquity and the Contemporary World”:
Elena Isayev (Univerity of Exeter) will be speaking on “People Out of Place: Mediating Sovereignty and Power, Past and Present”
Register for in-person or online attendance at