2023 ACL Merens Award winner – Ronnie Ancona

Click here to view the public release from the ACL (PDF)

Dr. Ronnie Ancona has received the 2023 Merens Award from the
American Classical League to recognize sustained and distinguished service to
the Classics profession generally and to ACL in particular.

Dr. Ancona has devoted herself to the profession for five decades, serving
close to four decades as a professor of Classics at Hunter College. Her list of
awards, committee participation, publications, and service is extensive and
highlights her commitment to pedagogy and increasing access through teacher
training, conference talks, and transitional readers for students. Dr. Ancona
served as the Editor of ACL’s The Classical Outlook from 2016 through 2022.
Both the Classical Association of Atlantic States and the Society for Classical
Studies have benefited from her leadership and sustained service. Ronnie
continues to support her students as they become professionals, by providing job
recommendations, professional networking, and opportunities to work on joint
endeavors. She has changed the lives of countless students.

The American Classical League, founded in 1919, celebrates, supports,
and advances the teaching and learning of the Greek and Latin languages,
literatures, and cultures, and their timeless relevance.