ACTFL Global Engagement Initiative

The ACTFL Global Engagement Initiative submissions and Professional Award nominations are now open. The deadline to apply for both is May 28, 2016.


The ACTFL Awards Program recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of language education. Awards and nomination procedures are announced and candidates’ names are solicited through announcements in ACTFL publications and through letters to ACTFL member organizations each year. The results of the selections are announced at the ACTFL Annual Meeting and in the January issue of The Language Educator.


The ACTFL Global Engagement Initiative recognizes outstanding community-engaged learning experiences within the world languages curriculum at all levels of instruction. Such initiatives may include a variety of experiences and should clearly show students engaged in cultural communities beyond the experience of simply travel abroad. Students of all ages and schools of all demographics can participate in a community of a different culture through activities such as service learning, project-based learning, internships, research projects, and virtual class exchanges.


ACTFL members who have actively engaged their students in using the language outside the classroom to participate in a global community may seek recognition for Global Engagement by filling out an application. All applications will be reviewed by a committee approved by the ACTFL Board of Directors.


Get more information or apply for an ACTFL Professional Award:


Get more information or submit your program for recognition in the Global Engagement Initiative:


You also have the ability to nominate Board of Director positions. Any member organization of ACTFL may suggest nominees for the Board. The nominee must be a member of ACTFL in good standing for the previous three years. Nominations are typically accepted in the Spring. Each potential nominee must be supported by a letter of endorsement from the governing body of a member organization. The position for which the nominee is proposed must be specified. The deadline to submit a Board nomination is April 30th.


Get more information or submit your nomination for the Board of Directors: