CANE Summer Institute 2014

The Classical Association of New England Summer Institute 2014
July 14-19, 2014
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

“On the Shoulders of Giants”:
Greco-Roman Giants and their Modern Emulators

Employing an aphorism traceable in thought and language back to at least the twelfth century (nanos gigantum humeris insidentes, “dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants,”), Sir Isaac Newton famously stated, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” As the Romans felt themselves intellectually to toil under the shadow of the Greeks, so have moderns since at least the Renaissance been keenly conscious of the magnitude and grandeur of the Greco-Roman achievement.

The organizers of the 2014 C.A.N.E. Summer Institute invite you to join us this summer as we examine some of the striking examples of the vitality and adaptability of the ancient models from the fields of literature, history, art and science; we will see that those who stand on such shoulders, though thereby “seeing further,” have often proven themselves to be a great deal more than “dwarfs.” Whether you are a middle school, high school or college teacher of Latin and/or Greek, English, History, or other related disciplines, an undergraduate or graduate student, or a devoted lifelong learner, you will enjoy an enriching educational experience that includes a wide variety of mini-courses, lectures, workshops, and special events while also offering ample opportunity for collegial interaction between participants.

A direct link from this e-mail to the CSI section on the CANE website is included here:
From that page you can also reach the registration brochure, and more detailed information on course readings, etc. will be added there in the coming weeks.

Scholarships are available.

If you have questions or want more information, please e-mail CSI 2014 Director Jeri DeBrohun: