Program for 2024 Annual Meeting – Saturday 10/19

[Some individual papers and/or panels (those in blue) are linked to abstracts (which will open in a new tab/window).]

Click here for viewable/downloadable PDF format of program

Saturday, October 19

  • 7.00 a.m. – 8.00 a.m. Continental Breakfast for All Registrants [Kelly Kiosk]
  • 8.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. Registration [Lobby Lounge]
  • 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Exhibits and Vendors [Neilson Room]

Sessions: 8-10AM / 10.30AM-1.00PM / 1:00PM-2:00PM /2.30-3.15PM / 3.30-6.00PM / 6.00PM-7.00PM

[Click here for: Friday 10/18]

8.00am – 10.00am

Saturday, October 18: 8.00am – 10.00am
Paper Session 8: New Perspectives on Imperial Latin Prose
Waksman Room

Presiders: Stephen Ogumah (Hofstra University)
and Julia Wilker (University of Pennsylvania)

Auctoritas Trimalchionis: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Goods, Land, and Power in Petronius’ Cena Trimalchionis
Shashank Dimri (Rutgers University)
Pliny’s Imperial Correspondence with Trajan:
Reconsidering the Role of Book 10 of Pliny the Younger’s Letters

Frances Merrill (New York University)
Panel 3: Advocacy and Classics Education:
Approaches for Educators and Curricula
Dickson Room

Organizer: Chelsea Stolt (University of Maryland, College Park)

Greco-Roman Antiquity in Context: Diversifying Classical Mythology
and Highlighting Repatriation at the National Museum of Asian Art

Chiara Graf and Chelsea Stolt (University of Maryland, College Park)
Incorporating Veterans’ Issues in Classroom Discussions of Greek Literature
Lillian Doherty (University of Maryland, College Park)
The Classics and Incarceration:
Fostering Civic Bridges in the Classroom and Beyond

Emily Allen-Hornblower (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)
Paper Session 9:
Roman Historiography: Intertextuality and Modern Appropriations
Janeway Room

Presiders: T. Corey Brennan (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)
and Matthew Roller (Johns Hopkins University)

God Bless our Troops? Theological Underpinnings of Provincial Revolts
Louis Polcin (University of Pennsylvania)
The Livingston Conspiracy: Sallustian Rhetoric in Thomas Jones’s History of
New York During the Revolutionary War

John Griffin (The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Ideas of the “Barbarian” in Pandemic: Fall of Rome
Kevin Nobel (The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
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  • 10.00am-10.30am: Break with Beverages and Refreshments [Kelly Kiosk]

10.30am – 1.00pm

SATURDAY, October 18: 10.30am – 1.00Pm
Panel 4: How Do We Grow as Teachers and as Professional Classicists?
How Can CAAS Better (Re)Engage K-12 Educators and
Other Classicists Interested in Pedagogy?

Waksman Room

Organizer: Ronnie Ancona
(Hunter College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York)

Ronnie Ancona

Jessica Anderson (Mineola High School)
Talia Chicherio (McLean School)
Andrew Hagerty (Townsend Harris High School
and Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Devondra McMillan (The Webb School)
Dawn Mitchell (Dulaney High School)
Michelle Ramahlo (Seven Bridges Middle School)
Panel 5: From Class to Conference:
Slavery in Greek Antiquity and Its Afterlife

Dickson Room

Organizer: Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos (Saint Joseph’s University)

Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos
Enslavement and the Preservation of Elite Social Values
and Heroic Status in Homer
Holden Smith (Saint Joseph’s University) Mentor: Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos
From Propaganda to Self-Definition:
Ancient Macedonian Attitudes to Enslavement
Ian Belthoff (Saint Joseph’s University) Mentor: Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos
Drimakos vs. Eunus:
A Comparative Analysis of the Slave Rebellions on Chios and Sicily
Kyle Nienaber (Saint Joseph’s University) Mentor: Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos
Expurgating Slavery in Post-WWII Celluloid Greece:
The Case of Alexander the Great
Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos
Panel 6: Time, Space, and Genre:
New Directions in Late Antique Literary Studies
Janeway Room

Organizer: Steven Smith (Hofstra University)

Steven Smith
What’s Next for Late Antique Literary Studies or
Why Read Ausonius’s Nugae?

Brian Sowers (Brooklyn College)
Waiting: Hagiographical Time in Jerome’s Life of Hilarion
Virginia Burrus (Syracuse University)
Alexandria and Absence
Robert Cioffi (Bard College)
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1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m

Luncheon for All Registrants and Annual Business Session [Livingston 1]

2.00pm – 3.15pm

Saturday, October 18: 2.00Pm – 3.15Pm
Plenary Session: Critical Ancient World Studies: Introduction and Discussion
Livingston 3 & 4

Organizer: Dan-el Padilla Peralta, CAAS President

Mathura Umachandran (University of Exeter)
Marchella Ward (Open University, U.K.)
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3.30pm – 6.00pm

SATURDAY, October 18: 3.30pm – 6.00Pm
Paper Session 10: Classics and Pedagogy
Waksman Room

Presiders: Dobrinka Chiekova (The College of New Jersey)
and Katherine Panagakos (Stockton University)

The Collocations You Really Need to Know
Patrick Burns (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University)
Vocabulary and Readings for
the Revised Advanced Placement Latin Syllabus

Bret Mulligan (Haverford College)
Kygo & Classics: Utilizing Modern Music and Ancient Art
to Enhance Understanding of Classical Texts and Teach Empathy

Edythe Malara-Lutjen (North Colonie Central School District)
Strategic Planning for Classics:
Inspire Engagement and Unlock Pathways for Success
Suzanne Walker (Merion Mercy Academy)
Traveling with Goethe: A “Grand Tour” for Students
Based on Goethe’s Italian Journey and Other Travel Writings

Markus Dubischar (Lafayette College)
Panel 7: Secondary School Research in Classics

Meyer Room

Organizers: Scott Barnard (The Lawrenceville School)
and Lyndy Danvers (Princeton High School)

Freedom by Jest and Jeer: Roman Satire and Social Criticism
Kathlynn Yao (The Lawrenceville School) Mentor: Scott Barnard
Nero in Greece
Sienna Mora (The Lawrenceville School) Mentor: Scott Barnard
Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura and the Philosophy of Science
Alice Kizilbash (The Lawrenceville School) Mentor: Scott Barnard
A Metamorphosis Through Anger: Seneca’s De Ira and Medea
Rian Julka (The Lawrenceville School) Mentor: Scott Barnard
Women Then and Now: The Aeneid vs. Modernity
Zara Chen (University of California, Berkeley) Mentor: Lyndy Danvers
Roundtable: Promoting Classics in New Jersey and Beyond
(Organized by the New Jersey Classical Association in collaboration with CAAS)
Dickson Room

Moderator: Craig Jacobs (Innovation High School), President of NJCA
Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos

Mary Brown (Saint Joseph’s University)
Jennifer Jones (Franklin High School)
Melissa Trenton (Raritan High School), Vice President of NJCA
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Saturday October 18 6.00pM-7.00PM
The Rudolph Masciantonio Reception and
Information Session on How to Apply for a Grant
Janeway Room

Organizer: Henry Bender (Saint Joseph’s University),
Co-Chair of the Rudolph Masciantonio Grants Committee and CAAS Treasurer
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