2016 Ovatio: Edward Sacks

Ovatio: Edward S. Sacks

Edward S. Sacks, The Agnes Irwin School


            Hodie nos omnes in maximo honore habemus virum honorandum, iuris prudentissimum, cupidissimum scientiae, iustum et tenacem propositi.[1] Filius urbis hortantis ut amor fraternus maneret,[2] praeclarissimus stirpes almae matris salubritatem et eruditionem foventis,[3] adeptus gradum Baccalaurei Artium apud universitatem plenam lucis veritatisque,[4] meruit gradum Magistri Artium in studiis classicis ubi leges sine moribus sunt vanae,[5] et Doctoris Iuris Prudentiae ubi perseverantia vincit.[6] Duobus lustris in servitio Dominae Iustitiae perfectis, regressus in nostros campos Martis Venerisque, obtinuit gradus Magistri Artium Doctorisque Philosophiae apud universitatem quae veritatem dilexit,[7] illustrans scripta Homeri Ovidiique. Linguas Romanorum Graecorumque diligentissime et mitissime discipulas academiae bubonem[8] colentis docuit; societatem classicam urbis Trementium duxit. Multos annos honoravit nostram societatem, praebendo suo pretioso tempore laboreque, exhibenda sua magnanima cura benevolentiaque in multis vicibus: ut praeses, aerarii praefectus, subsidiorum curator, rerum omnium legitimarum consultor.  Plaudamus igitur Edward S. Sacks.


Judith P Hallett, University of Maryland, College Park


Today we hold in the highest honor a man richly deserving of honor, deeply devoted to the law, most desirous of learning, supremely fair and of uncompromising principle. A Philadelphia native and graduate of Cheltenham High School in its suburbs, after earning his BA at Yale University he received an MA in Classics from the University of Pennsylvania and a JD from the Temple University School of Law. Following ten years as a practicing attorney, having returned to our field of common endeavor, he was awarded an MA and a PhD from Bryn Mawr College, writing an MA thesis on dreams and omens in Homer and winning a Whiting Fellowship in the Humanities for his dissertation on Ovid. For eighteen years he taught Latin and Greek at the Agnes Irwin School with the utmost conscientiousness and gentleness, chairing the classics department and serving as a faculty trustee. For many years he has honored our society with his TLC and immense good will: as president, treasurer, chair of the grants committee, and valuable legal advisor.  Let us thus applaud Edward S. Sacks



[1] Horace, Odes 3.3.1 Iustum et tenacem propositi virum

[2] Philadelphia maneto, motto of the Quaker City.

[3] Salubritas et eruditio, motto of Cheltenham High School in Wyncote, Pennsylvania, where Ed’s classmates included Reggie Jackson and Yonatan Netanyahu.

[4] Lux et veritas, motto of Yale University, where Ed’s classmates included George W. Bush and Timothy Renner.

[5] Leges sine moribus vanae, motto of the University of Pennsylvania.

[6] Perseverantia vincit, motto of Temple University.

[7] Veritatem dilexi, motto of Bryn Mawr College.

[8] The mascot of the Agnes Irwin School in Rosemont, Pennsylvania is an owl.