Ovatio: Linda Fabrizio
Hodie celebramus feminam latissime laudatam propter naturam animamque suavissimam, propter amorem praevalidum discipulorum discipularumque, et propter maximam auctoritatem apud collegas in excelsiore regione.1 Gradus Baccalaureae et Magistrae Artium apud Universitatem testudinis cavendae2 adepta, multa lustra locupletavit societatem classicam imperialis civitatis ducendo docendoque, ex fontibus salubribus oppidi celerrimis equis illustris ad oras maritimas arenosas insulae longae, nuper tempestatibus iactatas. Studiosissima discendi, commeavit ad multa loca—terram in partes tres divisam, domum ultimorum Britannorum, patriam Romanae gentis; urbem praepotentem sed sine suffragio, sedem coronatam scuto bonae voluntatis3, fines duorum nominum bis dictorum—ut suam artem coleret, sicut decuit fabricatorem. Fabricavit quoque maternum patrimonium pretiossimum, progeniem consecratam praecipiendae linguae Latinae. Plaudamus igitur Linda Fabrizio.
Allison Goldstein-Berger, Judith P Hallett, University of Maryland, College Park
Today we celebrate a woman widely praised for her sweet disposition and personality, for the strong affection she feels for her students and they for her, and for the high authority accorded her by her fellow Latin teachers in New York State. Having earned her BA and MA degrees at the University of Maryland, College Park, for many years she has enriched the Classical Association of the Empire State by her leadership and by her pedagogical achievements, at schools from Saratoga Springs to the shores of Long Island, recently storm-tossed by Hurricane Sandy. A voracious learner, she has travelled in France, England and Italy, and labored in Washington, DC, Maryland and New York, in order to perfect her craft, as befits her name. She has also crafted a priceless maternal legacy, a daughter dedicated to Latin teaching. Let us thus applaud Linda Fabrizio.
1 Excelsior: Motto of New York State
2 The University of Maryland, College Park, has adopted “Fear the Turtle” as a new
3 Scuto bonae voluntatis tuae coronasti nos, Latin motto of Maryland.