Ovatio: Jennifer Tolbert Roberts
Nos, studiosi antiquitatis classicae, verissime possumus dicere studium historiae totum nostrum esse. Hunc modum investigandi temporis praeteriti Herodotus noster procreavit, scriptores Graeci Romanique—corda nobis gratissima—tunc nutriverunt, et doctissima facundissimaque collega, quam nos hodie honoramus, magnifice corroboravit et illuminavit. Quamquam numquam dormientis urbis filia, quae strenuissime laboravit apud Universitatem respicientem, adspicientem, prospicientem, tamen est adepta Baccalaureae Artium, Magistrae Artium, et Doctoris Philosophiae gradus apud Universitatem proclamantem lucem et veritatem. Multos libros magni momenti edidit: de patre historiae, de auctoribus huius modi scribendi; de civitate praebenti potestatem populo, de societate moribusque rationibusque rei publicae gerendae civitatum Graeciae. Societatibus disciplinae nostrae servivit, monumenta aere perenniora fecit. Plaudamus igitur Jennifer Tolbert Roberts.
Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland, College Park
The origins of History as a genre, if truth be told, belongs completely to us classicists. Herodotus fathered this mode of inquiry, the Greek and Roman writers we deeply cherish nurtured it, and the most learned and eloquent colleague we honor today has splendidly strengthened and interpreted it. Although a native of Gotham who has long taught at the City College of New York and the CUNY Graduate Center, she received her BA, MA and PhD degrees from Yale University across the state line. She has published numerous and significant books in the field of ancient history: about Herodotus and Thucydides, accountability in Athenian government, the antidemocratic tradition in Western thought, and society, culture and politics in ancient Greece. She has served as president of the Association of Ancient Historians and as Director and Vice-President for Outreach of the American Philological Association; her accomplishments have benefited our profession beyond all measure. Let us thus applaud Jennifer Tolbert Roberts.