[Some individual papers and/or panels (those in blue) are linked to abstracts (which will open in a new tab/window).]
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Thursday, October 5th
- 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Registration [Foyer CD]/ Exhibitors/Vendors setup [St. Marks]
- 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Combined Meeting of the Finance and Executive Committees
- 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Meeting of the Board of Directors, Delegates, and Committee Chairs [Woodlands A]
Friday, October 6th
- 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast for All Registrants [Foyer CD]
- 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration [Foyer CD]
- 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Exhibits and Vendors [St. Marks]
Sessions: 8-10AM / 10.30AM-1.00PM / 1:00PM-2:30PM /2.30-5PM / 5.45-7.00PM / 8:00-10PM
[Click here for: Saturday 10/7]
8.00am – 10.00am
Friday, October 6th: 8.00am – 10.00am |
Paper Session 1: Art, Archaeology, and Architecture: New Perspectives Woodlands C Presiders: Timothy Renner (Montclair State University) and Henry Bender (Saint Joseph’s University) Rome as the Perfect Balance?: Roman Attitudes towards Non-Roman Architecture Cinzia Presti (University of Cincinnati) Create Your Own Crossroads: Drawing Compital Altars on the Via dell’Abbondanza, Pompeii Margaret Laird (University of Delaware) |
Paper Session 2: Antiquity Alive: Classical Reception in Modern Times Woodlands D Presiders: Andrea Kouklanakis (Hunter College) and Patricia Salzman-Mitchell (Montclair State University) Reception as Exorcism: Daphnis and Chloe in Lorenzo Gambara’s 16th-Century Poetic Adaptation, the Expositi David Petrain (Hunter College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York) Ocean Vuong, Classical Allusion, and the Limits of Interpretation Thu Truong (Princeton University) From Epic to Parody: Deconstructing Hollywood’s Rome on the Mexican Screen Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos (Saint Joseph’s University) |
Paper Session 3: Ancient Social Life in Literature and Material Culture Regent Presiders: Steven Smith (Hofstra University) and Katherine Wasdin (University of Maryland, College Park) For Whose Benefit? Masturbation and Servile Status on the Berlin Foundry Cup Jonathan Clark (University of Washington – Seattle) Paideia among the Orphans in Roman Egypt: The Case of P.Mich. IX 532 Yuecheng Li (Princeton University) Consuming Empire: The Politics of Banqueting in Republican Rome Rachel Kousser (The Graduate Center, City University of New York) |
10.30am – 1.00pm
Friday, October 6th: 10.30am – 1.00Pm |
Paper Session 4: Roman Literature: New Approaches and Theories Woodlands C Presiders: Tommaso Gazzarri (Union College) and Karen E. Klaiber Hersch (Temple University) The Plautine MacGuffin Robert Santucci (Haverford College) The Woman from Tyre: Terence’s Comedy in Aeneid 4 Thomas Bolt (Lafayette College) Reflections from Bithynia: Socioeconomic Anxiety in Catullus Charissa Skoutelas (Johns Hopkins University) Embodied Metaphor and Seneca’s Phaedra Mary Catherine Contreras (University of Maryland) Glitches in the Curiosity-Machine: Affect, Labor, and Attunement in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses Chiara Graf (University of Maryland) |
Paper Session 5: Graduate Research in Ancient Greek Tragedy Regent Presiders: Robin N. Mitchell-Boyask (Temple University) and David Scott Rosenbloom (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) Reading Enslavement in Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers Paul Eberwine (Princeton University) Poetic Compounds in Aeschylus and Euripides, Not Poles Apart Hana Aghababian (Cornell University) Suspicious Circumstances: Pre-Recognition in Euripides’ Electra Mallory Fitzpatrick (Bryn Mawr College) Theseus the Tyrant?: A Tyrannical Scheme in Euripides’ Hippolytus Massimo De Sanctis Mangelli (University of Pennsylvania) |
Panel 1: Objects of Reception/Reception of Objects Woodlands D Organizers: Dan Curley (Skidmore College) and Stacie Raucci (Union College) Reimagining Ruins in Lucan’s Bellum Civile Jesse Weiner (Hamilton College) Screening Roman-ness: The Way of the Wolf Dan Curley (Skidmore College) The Pillow and the Purse: Modern Design and Ancient Rome Stacie Raucci (Union College) Vinyl Euripides: A Visual and Performative Reception Nexus Anastasia Bakogianni (Massey University) Respondent: Angela Commito (Union College) |
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m
Luncheon for All Registrants. Mathias Hanses, CAAS President, presiding [Woodlands A/B]
- Ovatio for W. Gerald Heverly (Bobst Library, New York University), CAAS past Archivist, read by Mathias Hanses
- Remarks by Kaitlin Moleen (Villanova University), recipient of the Hahn scholarship
- Remarks by Bryce Hammer (Rutgers University), recipient of the Hahn scholarship
2.30pm – 5.00pm
Friday, October 6th: 2.30Pm – 5.00Pm |
Panel 2: Classics beyond Boundaries: Reflections from an Interdisciplinary Department Woodlands D Organizer: Jake Nabel (Pennsylvania State University) Ancient History and Political Science beyond the Mediterranean Jake Nabel (Pennsylvania State University) The World of “Sulpicia” Erin Hanses (Pennsylvania State University) The Sardanapalus Legend in Aramaic from Egypt Tawny Holm (Pennsylvania State University) Rita Dove’s Roman Oedipus Laura Marshall (Pennsylvania State University) |
Panel 3 :The Villa Ludovisi in Rome: Display and Dispersal of its Collection of Antiquities (1621-2023) Woodlands C Organizer: T. Corey Brennan (Rutgers University – New Brunswick) The Villa Ludovisi and its Ancient Sculpture Gallery T. Corey Brennan (Rutgers University – New Brunswick) The Boncompagni Ludovisi Collection of Gems Jacqueline Giz (Rutgers University – New Brunswick) Ancient Inscriptions in the Villa Ludovisi Emilie Puja (Rutgers University – New Brunswick) Sculptures in the Villa Ludovisi Gardens: The Case of “Pan” Hatice Koroglu Cam (Temple University) |
5:45pm – 7:00pm
Clack Reception (Choice of Two Venues)
- 5:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.
- Penn Museum (with access to five Galleries). Open Bar and Light Refreshments, Walk or Ride via Philadelphia “Trolley” (depart 5:30 p.m. PROMPTLY from The Inn at Penn’s Walnut Street Entrance) OR
- 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- The Inn at Penn [The Living Room]. Open Bar and Light Refreshments.
8:00pm-10:00pm Clack Lecture/Dinner
Dinner/Clack Lecture 8.00pM-10:00PM |
Dinner for All Registrants at The Inn at Penn, Mathias Hanses, CAAS President, presiding Woodlands A/B Presentation of the 2023 CAAS Barbara F. McManus Leadership Award to Shelley P. Haley (Professor emerita, Hamilton College). Recipient introduced by Maria S. Marsilio (Saint Joseph’s University), Chair of the CAAS Awards Committee. Citation authored and read by Arti Mehta (Howard University), CAAS Regional Director, District of Columbia. |
Jerry Clack Memorial Lecture Yannis Hamilakis, Joukowsky Family Professor of Archaeology and Professor of Modern Greek Studies (Brown University) A Monument of Modernity: Purification, Coloniality, and the (Re)Making of the Athenian Acropolis Introduction: T. Corey Brennan (Rutgers University – New Brunswick), 2023 Chair of the Clack Lectureship Committee |